イルミナティ銀行家たちは経済的手段による「革命」を追い求めている by Henry Makow Ph.D.
"革命"およびすべての社会主義者と自由主義企業の本当の意味はこの独裁主義である。それらは"国際主義"と "世界政府"といった薄いベールで覆われている。
歴史は繰り返す。 なぜなら、フリーメーソンのユダヤ人銀行家たちは、同じ古典的なあらゆる術策を使用するからだ。
インサイダーのデニス・ヒーリーは書いている: 「世界的事件は偶然には起こらない:それが国家的な問題であれ商業的な問題であれ、それらは発生するようにさせられる;そして、それらのほとんどは、財布の紐を握っている連中によって舞台にあげられ上演される。」
Illuminati Bankers Seek "Revolution" by Economic Means October 12, 2008 by Henry Makow Ph.D.
The Illuminati bankers had us where they wanted Friday. Everyone was in a panic, dumping anything of real value -- gold, real estate, oil -- and rushing into US dollars, conceptual value the Illuminati bankers create out of nothing with the help of their lackeys in government and media.
Why the sudden appeal of US dollars? Well there is a huge shortage of them because the bankers put our money into mortgages and then they crashed the housing market. Trillions disappeared. Now their lackeys in government have to "borrow" trillions to make up the deficit. The result: the bankers are trillions richer.
Did they do this deliberately? Do you think Rich Fuld, the CEO of Lehman Brothers, got a $250 million sendoff for driving his company into bankruptcy? No, that's likely his payoff for selling out his employees and his country. Multiply that throughout the financial industry.
Throughout history the Illuminati bankers have always used war and economic turmoil to advance their goal. Since we have enjoyed prosperity, I have been focused on war. But now I must consider how they use economic hardship to advance their world government.
It's brilliant when you think about it. Depression doesn't involve bloodshed and the destruction of valuable property. On the contrary, it allows the bankers to suck up real wealth at bargain prices. And people under duress will accept anything to regain the delicious prosperity they once knew.
The key to understanding our world is the 1938 interrogation of Illuminati insider Christian Rakowsky (Chaim Rakover) by the Stalinist secret police, the NKVD. Rakowsky was an associate of Trotsky, and a former Russian ambassador to Paris.
Rakowsky explains that the real goal of Communism is the same as the New World Order, essentially a dictatorship of the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel.
The real meaning of "revolution" and all socialist and liberal enterprise is this dictatorship, thinly veiled as "internationalism" and "world government."
The propaganda about championing the working class and equality etc. is a ruse to hide the centralization of wealth and power in the hands of this relatively small network of Satanist bankers and tycoons known as the "Illuminati."
Rakowsky explains that war is necessary to revolution. The Illuminati bankers financed Hitler because they had lost control of Stalin. Now Rakovsky invited Stalin to return to the fold and help them destroy Hitler or else they would give Hitler free rein. Thus Hitler was set up for a war on two fronts. First, the two dictators forged an alliance in August 1939, (mere months after the Fascists defeated the Communists in Spain.) Then when Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland, the Allies declared war against Hitler only.
Rakowsky describes how the illuminati use economic turmoil to achieve totalitarian control.
He says Oct 24, 1929, the date of the New York Stock Exchange crash ( "the beginning of the so-called 'depression'") was more important than the 1918 Bolshevik revolution. It broke the "classical American" individualism and resulted in "a flourishing of parasitism, and capital is a large parasite." It began "a real revolution."
"Although the power of money is political power, before it had only been used indirectly, but now the power of money was to be transformed into direct power, The man through whom they made use of such power was Franklin Roosevelt. Have you understood? Take note of the following: In that year 1929 the first year of the American revolution, in February Trostsky leaves Russia; the crash takes place in October...the financing of Hitler is agreed in July 1929. You think that all this was by chance? The four years of the rule of Hoover was used for the preparation for the seizure of power in the United States and USSR; there by means of a financial revolution, and here [Russia] with the help of war and the defeat [of Stalin] which was to follow." (Full text in Des Griffin, "Fourth Reich of the Rich," p.273)
Barrack Obama is pictured above giving the Illuminati sign of Baphomet. Yes, technically the thumb should be folded in, and his excuse is that it is the American Sign Language "I Love You." Just like Bush who pretended this was the Texas Longhorn sign, these Satanists need a cover story. Have you ever wondered why the ASL signal is so similar to the sign of Satan? ASL was financed by the Rockefellers and devised by Helen Keller, a theosophist i.e. Mason.
History repeats itself because the Masonic Jewish bankers use the same old bag of tricks.
If this is an indication, we are in for tough economic times.
If the government controlled its own credit, we could easily re inflate the economy at no cost in debt or interest. But with the central bankers controlling credit, I wonder if they will do enough to replace the capital they have drained from the system.
The Bush Administration is complicit in 9-11; in blowing the levees after Katrina, and responsible for the gratuitous, costly and deadly Iraq War. How much confidence can we have in them? On the other hand, I think we're going to get a reprieve now. The panic Friday is what they call "capitulation" and a sign of a market rebound.
I expect a FDR-like "New Deal" from Obama which no doubt will involve much more government control and more "internationalism." Like FDR, Obama will be venerated as some kind of savior.
These trends are already evident. Take a look at this video made by a reader.
Insider Denis Healey wrote: "World events do not occur by accident: They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings."
The goal is always the same: total control of wealth and the human race by the Satanist megalomaniacs and their minions who command our credit. Their vehicle is world government and their tool of the hour is Barack Obama.
Recently I was accused of making the Illuminati my paranoid religion and fitting everything into this pattern. I agreed that people do seek a system to explain the world. The assumption is that no explanation ever is true. I disagree. Although I would love to be wrong, the Illuminati conspiracy does explain reality convincingly.
The complete text of "The Red Symphony" (roughly 55 pages)
Obama Maitreya -- 37,400 results
"Obama is God" -- 35,600 results
Obama Crucify -- 93,400 results
Obama Antichrist -- 939,000 results
私は小沢一郎を山本五十六にたとえました by なわふみひと
ロスチャイルド胤「二卵性双生児」マルクスとニーチェ by アンドリュー・ヒッチコック
マイヤー・ロスチャイルドの世界革命行動計画 by ユースタス・マリンズ
ほとんど知られていない革命家マルクスと英国貴族階級の深い関係 by ユースタス・マリンズ
かれらはいかに世界を支配しているか By Henry Makow Ph.D.
カバリスティック 9.11
日本人が知らない さらに恐るべき真実 目次
barack obama=black magic?
追記 2008.10.17
日本人には、皆目わけが分からない、オバマの正体。 更新 平成20年10月16日23時54分 太田龍
平成二十年(二〇〇八年)十月十六日(木) (第二千五百七十七回)
○ここでは、「ミッドナイトメッセンジャー」紙、二〇〇八年九月、十月号 八、九、十頁。
ベリト・キジョス Berit Kjuse の「オバマの“世界を救う”軍隊」。
“The Case Against Barack Obama” By David Freddos(二〇〇八年)
○「イルミナティのヒモ付き過激派左翼」?一体それはなんのことか?! そんなバカな!!
by oninomae | 2008-10-13 13:58 | イルミナティ