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ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D.

以下は、Henry Makowさんの
Jewish Lobby Vetoes Candidate Over 9-11 Views


ユダヤロビーが9.11に関する見解で候補者を拒否する。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. September 27, 2008

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_19433863.jpg


カナダのユダヤ人会議は、 "人間の権利"組織を装った登録ロビーグループである。それはカナダのユダヤ人からの民主的委任を今までのところ受けていないが、その組織はおこがましくも彼らを代弁する。





中央銀行家たちは、彼らの信用の独占を守り"借金"の返済を確保するために、 (偽のテロ戦争の口実の下で)私たちを奴隷化する必要がある。

この憎しみに満ちたアジェンダは当然、正当な抵抗を"人種的偏見" として特徴づけようと努める。



いわゆる"ユダヤ人の陰謀"は、実際には世界政府すなわち"グローバリゼーション "に向けての中央銀行家の陰謀である。

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_21112663.jpg


シオニズムとは、銀行家ルイス・マーシャルの言葉で言えば、 "強力な武器を掛けておく単なるあつらえ向きの掛け釘にすぎない "。

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_200288.jpg

フリ-メーソン組織はもう一つの別の強力な武器である。それは、おおむね(会員制によっており )非ユダヤである(訳注:ブナイブリス-ADLはユダヤ人のものだが)。
ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_2034069.jpg

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_204169.jpg



ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_2045817.jpg



ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_2002469.jpg


Jewish Lobby Vetoes Candidate Over 9-11 Views
September 27, 2008

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear."

Cicero Marcus Tullius
106-43 BC

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

You're an "anti-Semite" if you remark that the "Jews" control the world. So please ignore the fact that the Canadian Jewish Congress had a candidate removed by her party Friday for a 2003 article suggesting Israel had foreknowledge of 9-11.

Liberal leader Stephane Dion dropped Leslie Hughes, a veteran journalist, as a candidate in Winnipeg. She referred to the fact that Israeli -government-owned Zim shipping lines broke its lease and moved 200 employees out of the World Trade Center just one week before Sept. 11. Please ignore that this timely move actually took place. (See 9-11 Time line link below.)

This is what democracy looks like under Zionist occupation. Both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Opposition Leader Stephane Dion pandered to Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress.

When Hughes' article surfaced Friday, Liberal leader Stephane Dion went cap-in-hand to Farber: "We have a process ongoing with the Jewish congress, to see what she has said exactly, if our apology will be accepted . . .. I have full confidence in the Jewish congress," Dion said.


Farber felt Hughes didn't strike the right note of contrition. Her apology read like she was sorry people misinterpreted the column, not that she was sorry for offending people.

Since offending Jews now is the measure of truth, Farber gave her a thumbs down. While canvassing, Hughes learned from reporters she was no longer a Liberal candidate. Is this how freedom works? No one who has ever expressed a qualm about Jews or Zionism can run for an established party? People who opposed the premeditated attack on Lebanon in 2006, or Israel's treatment of Palestinians, can kiss their democratic rights goodbye?

"It's a major shock to my faith in the party and the whole system," said Hughes, who refuted the anti-Semite slur by citing her biography of a leading Jewish community figure and the holocaust education classes she taught.

"So it's the theater of the absurd," she said."I have no time for conspiracy theories about the Jewish population whatever," she said. "The article that I wrote -- for anyone who reads it carefully -- is very clearly innocent of any kind of anti-Semitic feeling. I am just absolutely stunned by this. I guess that's how soldiers die in the trenches. This is how it must feel."

Bernie Farber was triumphant: "Lesley Hughes crossed a line which just simply cannot be crossed under any circumstances. There is no room in Canada or anywhere for these modern-age twists on the age-old anti-Semitic calumnies with these odious and dangerous conspiracy theories."

(This writer has also crossed that line. Farber wants the Canadian "Human Rights" Commission to force me to remove all "anti-Semitic" articles from my website. Presumably this would be one.)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper applauded Dion's decision, adding it's a "very serious thing" that Hughes wasn't immediately disciplined after refusing to retract her comments. "Is this the kind of political discourse that is tolerated in the Liberal party?" he said.

A prominent Conservative candidate, Peter Kent, characterized her writings as "attempts to demonize the world's only Jewish state as complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attacks."

Obviously, Israel is not "the world's only Jewish state." Dion, Harper and Kent are agents of Zionist occupation. So are Bush, Obama and McCain. We suffer from a kind of Stockholm Syndrome, where our "leaders" collaborate with our kidnappers hoping to be treated well. This is how "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" describe the situation:

The masses are "accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way, we shall create a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents...The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratification and the receipt of all kinds of benefits." ("Protocols of Zion" 10)


Anyone who studies this carefully documented 9-11 Timeline can see that Neocons, Zionists and Mossad played a prominent role in the false-flag attack on the World Trade Centre. The Mossad motto literally is "By way of deception, we shall wage war." False flags are their modus operandi ever since the Levon Affair in 1954 and the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty. A Report of the German Intelligence Service (BND) says Israel's Mossad helped the "Arab terrorists." Germany has not disowned this report and no one has refuted it.

"These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.

That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks."

On August 6, 2001, the German ambassador Ischinger informed George W. Bush of the exact time and place of the attack. Bush thanked the ambassador and said he was aware of it. Later the US Government demanded that Germany keep this warning secret.


The Canadian Jewish Congress is a registered lobby group posing as a "human rights" organization. It has no democratic mandate from Canadian Jews yet it presumes to speak for them. Its function is to create anti-Semitism, its bread and butter. Polls in Winnipeg are running 2-1 against removing Hughes. Hughes' article is now linked in the mainstream media and thousands more are learning her views.

In a free country, no issue is off the table. No lobby group defines the terms of discourse, especially not one linked to the real 9-11 perpetrators by virtue of a common agenda. "Anti-Semitism" is a ruse to stop discussion of the New World Order program. Central bankers need to enslave us (under the pretext of the bogus terror war) in order to protect their credit monopoly and ensure "debts" are repaid. This hate-filled agenda naturally tries to characterize legitimate resistance as "racial prejudice."

The Jewish community should expose 9-11 because the secret actions of a few Jews (and non-Jews) has put all Jews in jeopardy. Instead, Jews stupidly implicate themselves by attacking truthseekers. All 9-11 conspiracy-deniers are accomplices in the cover-up.

The so-called "Jewish Conspiracy" is actually the central banker conspiracy for world government i.e. "globalization." Zionism, in the words of banker Louis Marshall, "is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon." Freemasonry is another powerful weapon, which is largely non-Jewish (by membership.) Every institution in our society has been corrupted and subverted to this cause.

We are simply not equipped to recognize that this conspiracy is very real, and is entering a critical stage with the planned financial meltdown. Jews had better act before the shit hits the fan and the bankers again make them their scapegoat.

Related- "The Hypocrisy of Anti-Hate Laws"

See also Arthur Topham "Canada's Media Bias"

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_20211953.jpg


Get the Truth -by Lesley Hughes


ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_2375168.jpg

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_4105879.jpg

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_2581512.jpg

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_2491539.jpg

ユダヤ人は再び銀行家が彼らをスケープゴートにする前に行動した方がよい。 by Henry Makow Ph.D. _c0139575_358455.jpg

by oninomae | 2008-09-30 20:06 | ホロコースト  

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