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イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早


イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! しかも、全部の原発も担当する契約が 千早 Sunday, March 20, 2011


英国の仲間からリンクが来たのですが、テロに利用するため原発に入り込むような輩を予防するためのカメラやら警報装置などを含む福島原発の安全管理システムを、約1年前に設置したのはイスラエルのMagna BSPという会社だそうで、イスラエルのハーレツ紙がこれを伝えたと書かれています。

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2211380.jpg

Israeli Security Firm in Charge at Japanese Nuke Facilities Prior to Disaster Posted: March 18, 2011 by crescentandcross in Uncategorized

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2214327.jpg

そして、そこのトップ、ハイム・シボーニ(またはシボニ)[Haim Siboni]はこの記事の前日






Security cameras installed by Israeli defense company at Fukushima plant have ability to detect presence of radioactive clouds in air.



イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2363962.jpg




最初に行方不明になった2名。報道にも「福島第一原発の技術者2名が行方不明」と最初出ていたので覚えている人もいるだろう。 あの2名は東電傘下のプラントエンジニア。 この2名、なんと、津波後、原発の冷却装置を誤って操作したまま、さっさと逃げたという。しかも、そのまま郡山市内に逃げて酒を飲んでいた。



店の店員は「ヘンな二人だな」と思っていたそうであるが、やがておかしいことがわかり、当サイトにタレ込んで来た。現在裏取り中であるが、この2名が原発をほっぽって逃げた犯人なのは間違いないという。 しかも、呑気に刺身を食って酒を飲み、楽しく歓談していたという。・・・(以下略)

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_1255261.jpg






イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_13214467.jpg

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_13224313.jpg

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_13242924.jpg


イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_1335260.jpg


イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_12575560.jpg

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_13265932.gif


IMFと世界銀行の悪魔の所業 by アンドリュー・ヒッチコック

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_13133040.jpg

邪悪の連鎖--IMF、原爆投下、国連 by アンドリュー・ヒッチコック

国家を銀行に隷属させる世界銀行の「四段階戦略」 by アンドリュー・ヒッチコック

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_1315250.jpg






いかに東電の体質がひどいかがわかる。東電には良心のかけらもない。ザル安全審査スルーの保安院の西山英彦も何やってたんだ。えらそうにテレビで会見してるが、これから起こる凄絶な汚染事故の責任取れや (以下略)



ヒロシマと世界:アメリカ人の原爆認識 投下正当化は危険な考え
■ダニエル・エルズバーグ氏 元国防総省職員・平和運動家(米国)

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_20451556.jpg


Israeli Security Firm in Charge at Japanese Nuke Facilities Prior to Disaster Posted: March 18, 2011 by crescentandcross in Uncategorized  21 i 17 Votes

Ed note–to all those who scoffed at my questioning whether or not the present nuclear meltdown taking place at Japan’s nuke facility might have been part of an Israeli intel operation aimed at demonstrating the power of Israel’s stuxnet computer virus, Haaretz is now reporting that it was the Israeli security firm Magna that was providing security for the plant prior to the incident.


Israeli firm which secured Japan nuclear plant says workers there ‘putting their lives on the line’
Magna CEO says Japanese workers at nuclear plant ‘projecting business as usual’ but says it is ‘unclear if they are healthy due to the high level of radiation at the reactor, which is life-threatening.’
The CEO of the Israeli company that installed the security system at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant said Thursday that those workers who have elected to stay behind are “putting their lives on the line” to save Japan.

Magna BSP set up the security system about a year ago at the facility, which suffered extensive damage after the recent earthquake and tsunami, with particular concern over radiation leakage from the reactors at the site.

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2451260.jpg

The damaged No. 4 unit of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex in Japan, on Tuesday March 15, 2011.
Photo by: AP

The system includes cameras and a warning system, enabling the facility’s security staff to monitor anyone attempting to trespass onto the site or damage the perimeter fence. The security system was designed to guard the plant against any hostile elements seeking to seize radioactive material to use in a terrorist attack.

Among the 50 Japanese workers who have remained at Fukushima amid the unfolding crisis, in an effort to bring the facility under control, are two individuals who were in Israel about three weeks ago, where they underwent training to transfer the operation of the security system to the Japanese themselves.

“We still haven’t been able to make contact with them, either by phone or e-mail,” Magna CEO Haim Siboni said yesterday. “We know they’re alive, but it’s not clear if they are healthy due to the high level of radiation at the reactor, which is life-threatening.”

“The Japanese workers who have remained at the reactor are really putting their lives on the line, with the knowledge that they’re doing it to save all of Japan,” he added.

Although there is no access to the area, Siboni said the cameras from his company’s security system – which were installed high up – were probably not damaged and likely captured the post-earthquake explosions at the site, as well as the impact of the tsunami.

Magna BSP was established by Siboni about 10 years ago and is owned by several partners. Based in Dimona, the firm employs 15 people, a number which Siboni expects to expand dramatically in light of additional orders Magna has received from Japan and interest shown by the operators of nuclear reactors in other countries. Its operations in Japan are conducted through a Japanese government firm.

“We have an agreement in principle with the Japanese that we will provide protection for all of the country’s nuclear reactors,” Siboni said.

Magna had planned to send additional security equipment to Japan next week. The Japanese have not asked that the shipment be halted, Siboni said, adding: “They are projecting business as usual.”

And this from the Jerusalem Post–

Israeli firm’s cameras recording Japanese nuclear core
03/15/2011 01:43

Security cameras installed by Israeli defense company at Fukushima plant have ability to detect presence of radioactive clouds in air.
Talkbacks (6)

As the world continues to gaze with concern at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, hi-tech security cameras installed by an Israeli defense firm are recording events at the troubled core from an insider’s vantage point.
The Arava-based Magna BSP company, which specializes in producing and installing stereoscopic sensory and thermal imaging cameras, had been contracted to place cameras around one of the plant’s six cores – the core that has been experiencing explosions and overheating.

Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on Monday, Magna’s head, Haim Siboni, said the thermal cameras also had the ability to detect the presence of radioactive clouds in the air, but added that Magna had not been able to gain access to the images recorded by the cameras at this time.

“Because we are using these special cameras, we can also identify radioactive clouds, due to the spectrum that our cameras can sense,” Siboni said.

Although Magna is able to gain remote access to its computer system, which receives the cameras’ images, Siboni said his company had not yet been authorized to do so.

“We have not been allowed to take control remotely yet,” Siboni said.

Magna has been asked to secure a second core at the Fukushima plant in the near future.


Israeli Defense Co. Installs Security Cameras at Fukushima Posted on March 16, 2011 by isrovation

Arava-based Magna BSP, which specializes in producing and installing stereoscopic sensory and thermal imaging cameras, has been contracted to place cameras around one of the Fukushima plant’s six nuclear cores – the one that has been experiencing explosions and overheating.

The Israeli defense firm’s thermal cameras were installed due to their ability to detect presence of radioactive clouds in air. Magna has also been asked to secure a second core at the Fukushima plant in the near future.

Here’s a prayer that the cameras do their work quickly and Israeli firms and relief organizations can continue aiding and rebuilding Japan.

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2157491.jpg

2010年、アメリカの映画プロダクションイルミネーション・エンターテインメント[Illumination Entertainment]は、手塚プロダクションと共同で本作を基にした実写映画を企画・製作中であると発表した[5]。

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イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_227592.jpg

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2272645.jpg

『本格科学冒険漫画 20世紀少年』(ほんかくかがくぼうけんまんが 20せいきしょうねん、20th Century Boys)は、浦沢直樹による日本の漫画作品。 1999年から2006年まで『ビッグコミックスピリッツ』(小学館)にて連載された。完結編である『21世紀少年』(21せいきしょうねん、21st Century Boys)は、2007年1月から7月まで連載された。



「エロイムエッサイム、エロイムエッサイム、我は求め訴えたり!」とは、「Elohim. Essaim. Elohim. Essaim. Frugativi et appelavi !」: 悪魔主義者の悪魔召喚・呪いの呪文だそうです。

イスラエルの会社が、福島原発の安全管理をやっていた! by 千早_c0139575_2222508.jpg


by oninomae | 2011-03-21 02:12 | 放射能・ラジオハザード  

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