タリバンはまだCIAの仕事をしているのか? by Henry Makow Ph.D.
http://rockway.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/282/ の転載です。
タリバンはまだCIAの仕事をしているのか? by Henry Makow Ph.D. November 6, 2009
「自分のこの目でヘリコプターを見た」と、バグラン・エ・マルカジ[Baghlan-e-Markazi]からのサイド・ラフィク[Sayed Rafiq]は語った。
5月、アシフ・アリ・ザルダリ[Asif Ali Zardari]・パキスタン大統領は、NBC放送に対して、CIAとパキスタンのISI情報機関がタリバンを生み出した、と語った。ザルダリ大統領は、CIAとISIはいまだにタリバンを支援している、と語った。
自分はアジアの亜大陸の政治の専門家ではない。しかし、アフガン戦争は、拡大された地域の文脈から考察すべきだ。ズビグニュー・ブレジンスキー[Zbigniew Brzezinski]は、中央アジア、トルコ、南ロシア、そして中国の西部国境地帯を含む「暴力が浸透する世界地域」という考え方を擁護している。
この広大な地域を不安定化させるこの計画は、ブレジンスキーの著書である「ザ・グランド・チェスボード[The Grand Chessboard]」 (1997)の中に示されている。
Latest! "Taliban Using New US Ammo"
US Army Pays Taliban for Security
On a related note, citing current and former U.S. officials, The New York Times reported Oct. 28, 2009 that the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been getting regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency.
"Ahmed Wali Karzai is a suspected player in Afghanistan's opium trade and has been paid by the CIA over the past eight years for services that included helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the CIA's direction in and around the southern city of Kandahar," the newspaper reported.
「アハメド・ワリ・カルザイ[Ahmed Wali Karzai]は、アフガンのケシ貿易の業者だと疑われている。彼はCIAの命令で動く、南部のカンダハル市付近で活動するアフガンの武装集団を以前リクルートしたことを含む働きで、CIAにより過去8年間にわたって支払いを受けていた、とこの新聞は報じた。
ALSO-- Related- "American Taxpayer Finances Taliban"
Even the BBC Recognizes "Cynical" Nature of Western Intervention
Afghanistan War-History
Lest we forget --
November 14-25, 2001: US Secretly Authorizes Airlift of Pakistani and Taliban Fighters
At the request of the Pakistani government, the US secretly allows rescue flights into the besieged Taliban stronghold of Kunduz, in Northern Afghanistan, to save Pakistanis fighting for the Taliban (and against US forces) and bring them back to Pakistan. Pakistan's President "Musharraf won American support for the airlift by warning that the humiliation of losing hundreds--and perhaps thousands--of Pakistani Army men and intelligence operatives would jeopardize his political survival." [New Yorker, 1/21/2002] Dozens of senior Pakistani military officers, including two generals, are flown out. [NOW with Bill Moyers, 2/21/2003] In addition, it is reported that the Pakistani government assists 50 trucks filled with foreign fighters to escape the town. [New York Times, 11/24/2001] Many news articles at the time suggest an airlift is occurring. [Independent, 11/16/2001; New York Times, 11/24/2001; BBC, 11/26/2001; Independent, 11/26/2001; Guardian, 11/27/2001; MSNBC, 11/29/2001] Significant media coverage fails to develop, however. The US and Pakistani governments deny the existence of the airlift. [US Department of State, 11/16/2001; New Yorker, 1/21/2002] On December 2, when asked to assure that the US did not allow such an airlift, Rumsfeld says, "Oh, you can be certain of that. We have not seen a single--to my knowledge, we have not seen a single airplane or helicopter go into Afghanistan in recent days or weeks and extract people and take them out of Afghanistan to any country, let alone Pakistan." [MSNBC, 4/13/2003] Reporter Seymour Hersh believes that Rumsfeld must have given approval for the airlift. [NOW with Bill Moyers, 2/21/2003] However, The New Yorker magazine reports, "What was supposed to be a limited evacuation apparently slipped out of control and, as an unintended consequence, an unknown number of Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters managed to join in the exodus." A CIA analyst says, "Many of the people they spirited away were in the Taliban leadership" who Pakistan wanted for future political negotiations. US intelligence was "supposed to have access to them, but it didn't happen," he says. According to Indian intelligence, airlifts grow particularly intense in the last three days before the city falls on November 25. Of the 8,000 remaining al-Qaeda, Pakistani, and Taliban, about 5,000 are airlifted out and 3,000 surrender. [New Yorker, 1/21/2002] Hersh later claims that "maybe even some of bin Laden's immediate family were flown out on those evacuations." [NOW with Bill Moyers, 2/21/2003]
Entity Tags: Taliban, Pakistan, Al-Qaeda, Donald Rumsfeld
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, War in Afghanistan
Taliban Still Working for the CIA?
by oninomae | 2009-11-15 03:10 | 政治詐欺・政治紛争