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外国農業・バイオ燃料ビジネスに蹂躙されるタンザニアの肥沃地 by 農業情報研究所


農業情報研究所(WAPIC) 09.2.10

East African Business Week(EABW)が、タンザニアでバイオ燃料・食料生産のための新たな農地争奪が始まったと伝えている。ターゲットはインド洋沿岸部や北部、南部の肥沃な土地で、広大な農地が外国企業の手に落ちつつある。 

Biofuels cause land scramble in TZ,East African Business Week,2.7
http://www.busiweek.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1022&Itemid=1 *


外国農業・バイオ燃料ビジネスに蹂躙されるタンザニアの肥沃地 by 農業情報研究所_c0139575_21553971.gif

EABWは、ダル・エス・サラーム市の中心部から40kmほど北のバラモヨ県の状況が急を告げているのを発見した。 最近、農業・食糧安全保障省の専門家が計画案を拒否したにもかかわらず、広大な土地がバイオ燃料生産のためのサトウキビ農業への投資家に与えられた。



外国農業・バイオ燃料ビジネスに蹂躙されるタンザニアの肥沃地 by 農業情報研究所_c0139575_22251958.jpg



政府がこの投資家に期待したのは雇用創出と、国内・輸出市場向けの食料生産の拡大だった。 しかし、これは決して実現しなかったということだ。 代わりに、彼は建制制類似の条件で土地を貸し付けている。民営化される前、この土地は地域の30万の村人の生計を支えていたという。




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外国農業・バイオ燃料ビジネスに蹂躙されるタンザニアの肥沃地 by 農業情報研究所_c0139575_22324332.jpg

Biofuels cause land scramble in TZ
Saturday, 07 February 2009
DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA - A new scramble for arable land in Tanzania has started - the coastline and the fertile land in Northern and Southern Tanzania being the prime targets.

This scramble which has seen thousands of acres of fertile arable land falling into the hands of foreign companies has been engineered by the quest for bio fuels.
At least for now five regions have been at the centre of this scramble. Dar es Salaam, Coast, Tanga, Mbeya and Arusha regions have been cited as the first victims of land grabbing engineered by foreign companies in Tanzania.

Already the coastline of more than 1,000 kilometres stretching from Tanga to Mtwara has been taken either directly by foreign companies or by local well-to-do Tanzanians who pose and act on behalf of multinational corporations. Most of these companies pose as strategic investors.

The EABW has discovered that in Bagamoyo district, Coast region the situation is alarming. The district, which is about 40 kilometres from Dar es salaam city centre has been the focus of these land grabbers. Recently, thousands of acres of land were given to an 'investor' for sugar cane farming.

The land was given to the investor despite technical advice by agricultural experts from the ministry of agriculture and food security who had turned down the proposal. Like many other places, the land is needed for cultivation of sugar cane to produce bio fuels.

In the same region in Mkuranga district, a Swedish company, Sekab is seeking to be given two million acres of land for the cultivation of bio fuel plants.

EABW was told by the locals and the district authorities that the company is expected to invest over US$400 million for the project.

Another company, British Sun Biofuels is also scrambling to acquire at least 8,000 acres of land in Mkuranga for a bio fuel project.

In Kisarawe district in Coast region the story is the same. One company has been given about 8,000 acres of land to plant jathropa. Kisarawe district authorities have already sanctioned the deal.

In Arusha, thousands of acres of land have been given to 'investors' in flower farming, coffee and aloe vera, leaving the locals without land. The locals are now forced to be labourers on their own land.

In Rufiji district, also in Coast region the story is the same. Thousands of acres have been given to foreign companies who have promised the Tanzanian government to cultivate food crops.

What the approval of these projects means is that thousands of villagers if not millions will have to be removed from their land.

Some of the land was taken during the privatization of public corporations through the Parastatal Sector Reform Commission (PSRC).

A case in point is in Mbeya region where one Asian business tycoon is controlling more than 7,500 hectares of fertile paddy fields in the Kapunga area where he cultivates rice.

He purchased the once government owned paddy fields from the PSRC in 2006 promising the authorities that he would engage in large scale farming.

What the government expected from the 'investor' was creation of jobs and an increase in food production for both local market and export. This has never happened.

Instead what the investor is doing is to lease the land for a fee under conditions similar to feudalism.. Before the land was privatized, it was a source of livelihood for more than 30,000 villagers in the area.

外国農業・バイオ燃料ビジネスに蹂躙されるタンザニアの肥沃地 by 農業情報研究所_c0139575_22441889.jpg

by oninomae | 2009-02-11 21:59 | 政治詐欺・政治紛争  

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